Registration Forms
Registration Documents and Forms
Our program is part of the Bay State Youth Football Conference, which operates under the rules of American Youth Football (AYF). These rules have been developed over time to ensure a fair and level playing field for all participants. The documentation requirements below must be satisfied before a participant will be issued equipment or allowed onto a practice or playing field.
Registration Required Documents and Forms
Hard copy documents and forms can be submitted in person at designated collection times early this summer.
- Copy of birth certificate
- Returning participants from the previous season do NOT need to submit a birth certificate. We already have yours on file.
- ALL others must show an original birth certificate to the registrar or designee AND submit a copy.
- The participant’s name and date of birth must be clearly visible and must match registration information.
- The raised stamp or seal should be visible on the photocopy.
- Copy of year-end (June) school report card
- Participant’s name, the name of the school, and the school year must be clearly visible.
- Copy of Physical Exam or AYF Medical Clearance
- If the date of the physical exam is between January 1 and July 1, a copy of the physical exam alone is acceptable.
- If the date of the physical exam is prior to January 1 or after July 1, the AYF Medical Clearance form must be signed, stamped and dated by the child’s healthcare provider.
- AYF Emergency Medical Treatment Consent
- Two copies of the AYF Emergency Medical Consent form must be completed and signed by parent or guardian to provide a quick reference for medical personnel in the event a parent or guardian is not present or available.
- AYF Participation Tracking and ID Card
- Parents and players must sign, initial, and return only page 2 of the AYF Participant Tracking form.
The links to the documents below are for your reference, and are cited in the online registration system. They do not need to be printed or submitted at this time.
- AYF Concussion Acknowledgment
Required educational material regarding concussions from the CDC is available online at https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/index.html. - AYF Code of Conduct
- AYF Liability Release
- AYF Image Release
- AYF Anti-bullying policy
All questions regarding paperwork requirements should be directed to needhamjfc@gmail.com.
Other Forms
All below AYF forms are available in Sports Engine:
After you login, click “print forms” and select the appropriate form. The form will be pre-populated based on the information you input to the system during the registration process.
Coaches – required for coaching
- AYF Coaches Liability Waiver
- AYF Coaches Image Release
Players – for use during season, not required for registration
- AYF Absentee Form
- AYF Resume Participation Medical Clearance
Financial Assistance – Needham Junior Football and Cheer (NJF&C) is committed to helping build strong kids, strong families, and strong communities. Included in this commitment is the belief that everyone should be able to participate in the program, regardless of their financial circumstances. Thanks to the generosity of our numerous volunteers and proceeds from our raffle fundraiser, we are able to grant financial assistance to a limited number of athletes.
Please complete Application For Needham Junior Football and Cheer Financial Assistance and submit to the address listed on the form.