CAPE – Concussion, Awareness, Prevention, Education
There is nothing more important to us than the health and well being of our children. Team work, self confidence, discipline, sportsmanship are some of the ways our program builds honorable character in our children. To enjoy those and other benefits of youth football & cheer, NJFC provides coaches with a safety CAPE created to protect our children as they learn and grow with us.
Objective information can be helpful. Especially if a coach or parent suspects a player is concussed.
Baseline Testing: Participants 10 years and older are required to undergo a baseline neurocognitive function assessment. In the event the child suffers a concussion, this online tool provides parents and healthcare providers with objective data to help determine when a player has returned to baseline function and may be permitted to participate in a return to play protocol.

“Head’s Up” concussion education certification by the CDC is required of each coach.
Each team is provided with a chart outlining the procedure of what to do should the question of a concussion arise. A certified athletic trainer is on site for each game. These trainers are skilled in determining if a child can continue to play, if they must be removed from the game, or if they need further medical attention.
Proper practice: A planned up tempo format keeps players engaged in drills designed to focus on technique and form. Player matchups by size and athleticism as well as speed of drill are managed by educated coaches. Full contact minutes per practice and per week are reduced, allowing time to heal bumps and bruises between games while focusing on learning and improving.
Equipment: NJFC purchases top of the line equipment and properly maintains that equipment. We spare no expense on the safety of our children as evidenced by completely replacing all helmets between the 2014 & 2015 season with Riddell’s premium helmet.
Form Tackle: For the safety of all players, proper technique is taught to players. Improper technique is not permitted.
Coaches: “Head’s Up” certification. Off season NJF Coaches meetings designed to assist coaches in generating impact controlled practice plans. (Less full speed contact, more focus on technique.)
NJFC incorporates current safety data from American Youth Football association, equipment manufacturers and the medical community.
- Information from Baseline Testing.
- Manage proper diet and rest of your young athlete.
- Form Tackle
- Proper rest before a game.
- Have fun