Provided by Needham Junior Football
The following items are provided by Needham Junior Football. If you are considering purchasing any of these items for your child, please speak with someone from Needham Junior Football to be sure you have all of the required information.
Included Items:
The following items are provided by Needham Junior Football. If you are considering purchasing any of these items for your child, please speak with someone from Needham Junior Football to be sure you have all of the required information.
- Helmet: professionally inspected every two years; retired after six years.
- Shoulder pads
- Practice Jersey
- Game jersey (Names will be put on jersey. Player will keep the jersey at the end of the season)
- Game/practice pants (Player will keep the pants at the end of the season)
- Socks (Player will keep the socks at the end of the season)
REQUIRED but NOT provided by Needham Junior Football:
Please label all items with player’s name!
- Cleats: can be multi-purpose cleats; no baseball spikes
- Protective Cup
- Mouth guard: All mouth guards must be strapped to helmet face mask
- Large Water Bottle
Optional Items:
- Under Armour: Short-sleeved for warm days, long-sleeved for cold days.
- Gloves: to protect hands during contact. These can be purchased from the NJFC merch store here.
- Arm and Rib-Back Pads: Do not purchase until after contact has started.
Football Sizes:
- Grade 7 & 8 Football (Wilson TDY)
- Grade 5 & 6 Football (Wilson TDJ)
- Grade 4 Football (Wilson K2)