Cheer FAQ
When does the season start and when does it end? The season will begin with our first practice in mid-August. Our season will conclude in late October or early November.
What are the age requirements to participate in Cheerleading?
Must be 6 years old, or rising 1st grader (on July 31) through 8th grade.
How much does it cost to participate? The registration fee for cheerleaders is $350. This fee includes a cheer uniform, game day bow and competition bow.
How many practices are there and what is the time commitment?
In summer we begin with outdoor practices in mid-August. Attendance at practice is essential for both the skill development of our cheerleaders and to maximize their safety. Because of this, we ask that family vacations be scheduled before our first practice of the season. Attendance at practice is recorded and determines which cheerleaders will perform in competitions.
Once school begins, cheer teams will be practicing during the week in the evenings. Practices during the school year vary by team and will be announced when indoor space has been approved by the NPS administration.Cheerleaders cheer at games each Saturday or Sunday during the season, performing a halftime routine at each game.
What is the attendance policy?
Attendance is essential to the success of each season. Pre-season practices are important for getting in the required 10 hours of conditioning, learning new cheers, and for learning proper stunting techniques and tumbling. Stunting and tumbling can only begin after teams have completed their 10 hours of conditioning. Half time routines for games are also choreographed and taught during pre-season so the cheerleaders are prepared for their first game. Our goal is to prepare the cheerleaders for the rigors of the season ahead.
Regular season practices are mandatory for all squads. Cheerleaders must attend all practices! If a cheerleader is absent, the stunt group which they are a part of cannot practice. As a result, that stunt group is now unprepared to safely perform at games and competition.
We recognize that from time-to-time absences due to illness do occur. Any absences must be excused by the head coach BEFORE practice is missed. In the case of illness, please contact your coach to discuss if your child is well enough to attend practice, sit and observe. Illnesses that include fever or vomiting would require missing practice. We understand that things may come up throughout the season. However, if attendance is an issue for a cheerleader, it will result in the cheerleader being sidelined at games and/or removed from the competition routine. Our cheer season is a short season, and we ask that you take the above into consideration and understand the commitment needed for our teams to be successful.
When and where are the games?
We play our regular season games on Saturdays or Sundays starting around Labor Day weekend. Each game runs for approximately two hours. Our season usually concludes on the last weekend in October. Our home games are played on Memorial Field at Needham High School. Location of away games will be determined by who our opponents are. The schedule will be posted on the calendar and communicated by your coaches.
Do the cheerleaders compete? Competitions are on select weekends during the season, usually beginning in mid-October. Our league’s annual cheer competition will be in late October. We may also attend additional competitions, this will vary between squads.
What is required of parents? Cheer is a family commitment. Needham Junior Football & Cheer is a 100% volunteer organization, and therefore depends entirely on the coordinated efforts of everyone involved. Volunteer board members and coaches contribute countless hours of time and energy to make the football and cheer season a success.
As such, the NJF&C require the support of all athletes’ families to make the season happen. Parent support typically take place during games, but there are parent support positions that take place during practices, or to prepare and execute special events. Sign up for parent support obligations will take place either at equipment pick-up for football players or during the first week of practice for cheerleaders. Please see the volunteer page for job descriptions. Parent support slots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
What additional equipment is needed?
The cheer uniform top and skirt are provided by the NJF&C and MUST be returned at the end of the season clean and in good condition. We will also provide game day and competition bows to the cheerleaders.
In addition, the items below must be purchased by each participant. If unsure, please refer to your athlete’s coach before making a purchase:
- White no-show socks: Any brand, just make sure they’re no-show style.
- White Cheer Sneakers: Any brand, just make sure they’re outdoor/indoor style, not just indoor.
- Warm up jacket and pants: Purchase details will be shared by your coach.
We also have participants who outgrow these items, and they love to hand them down. Many parents find it helpful to spread the purchases out over the off season. If you need assistance with the additional items, please contact our Cheer Coordinators and we can help you acquire what you need.
I have questions about cheer safety The safety of all our athletes is a priority for the NJF&C organization and we strive to give each Needham Junior Football & Cheer participant a safe and enriching experience.
What does a cheerleader need to be practice ready?
Water Bottle: Please only bring water, please no juice or sticky sweet stuff that can spill and ruin mats.
Ponytail: Your hair must be pulled back, ideally in a ponytail. If you have bangs, please wear a sports head band.
No Jewelry: NONE. It is not safe to wear jewelry while cheering.
What to wear: Your cheer sneakers with ankle socks. A tshirt or tank and shorts or leggings. Please no skorts or hoods or loose clothes; these create safety issues.
Please remind your athlete to use the restroom before each practice.
Game Day: What to expect
Head to toe: We find it helpful to print this as a checklist and say each thing and your cheerleader says “CHECK!”
- Bag: To put their things in for the game.
- Hair: UP! High ponytail with cheer bows visible from the front. If you think – Is that too high? It’s just right)
- Sunblock: apply before the games and throw in the bag to be reapplied.
- Jewelry: NONE – the coaches will not be responsible for jewelry that is worn by accident. You cannot tape it – take it off and leave it at home.
- Face: no excessive make up or glitter on the face. Smiles are free – bring them.
- Water: Water, water, water, and water. ツ
- Fingernails: NO FAKE NAILS – Nails should not be longer than the fingertip.
- Tummies: Please make sure they EAT before the game; coaches should not have to battle “I’m starving” during the game or a longer than necessary break at half time for a meal they should have eaten before the game. The games are two hours. If you want them to bring a small snack, put it in their bag and ready for half time – cheerleaders will stay on the field during half time.
- Warmups: After you receive the warmups, always bring them in your bag; you never know when a cold wind may blow.
- Feet: plain white low crew socks and CHEER SHOES!!! YAY – *be careful cleaning these – use magic eraser sponge do not use bleach on the plastic part, as some experienced yellowing.
After the game if they want to eat, please bring a t-shirt, and throw it on over the uniform. Do not eat messy foods like pizza with our uniform on.
Give your cheerleader a pep talks about being an athlete with a positive attitude and making it all the way through the game as an athlete, not a dressed-up spectator with a good view. It gets hot, it gets cold, the games can go long. It can be tempting to treat it as a playtime with their cheer sisters, and it can be hard. They will all live and will enjoy it more if they are focused on their job – to perform well the WHOLE game. The coaches need your help in keeping this message consistent – YOU CAN DO IT!
What is your policy for inclement weather?
The NJF&C organization relies on AccuWeather.com to determine the Heat Index or Wind Chill. Both will be checked one hour before each practice or game by a certified athletic trainer, director, or designee. Games will continue in the rain but will be paused or cancelled if there is thunder or lightening in the area.